This application is only to be completed if you are directed to do so by the Athletic Director, Kenneth James. If you are interested in helping at our sporting events in a variety of capacities, please email Kenneth James at
Must demonstrate sufficient command of the English language to communicate verbally and in writing with students, parents, district staff members and other concerned people regarding all aspects of their job related activities
College Place School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression,
or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX and Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying (HIB): Marissa Waddell,;
Civil Rights and Section 504, and Gender Inclusive School Coordinator: James Fry,;(509) 525-4827,1755 South College Avenue, College Place, Washington, 99324
El Distrito Escolar de College Place no discrimina en ningún programa o actividad por motivos de sexo, raza, credo,religión, color, origen nacional, edad, condición de veterano o militar, orientación sexual, expresión o identidad de género,
discapacidad, o el uso de un perro guía entrenado o animal de servicio, y proporciona igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados.
Los siguientes empleados han sido designados para atender preguntas y quejas sobre presunta discriminación:
Título IX y Acoso, Intimidación y Hostigamiento (HIB): Marissa Waddell,
Derechos Civiles y Sección 504, y Coordinador de Escuelas Inclusivas en Cuestiones de Género: James Fry, (509) 525-4827 1755 South College Avenue, College Place, Washington, 99324